Midi Spomb™

Midi Spomb™
No bait loss
Once the Spomb is loaded, because the container is closed shut, no bait will come out until it impacts with the water and opens. Spods with an open end or with holes let the bait fall out.
Any bait
Anything that fits in the Spomb can be cast out including:- pellets, boilies, hemp, corn, mixer, bread, meat, maggots, worms and particles etc.
No need to mix
All baits can just be loaded into the Spomb without any need to mix. If you wish to mix balls of ground bait though, these can be cast accurately to a given distance even at a very long range.
Recommended 4lb - 5lb test curve rod with 15lb - 45lb tapered leader.
Unloaded weight (42g). Loaded with corn, casting weight (130g).